Corporate-financier wars

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“Corporate-financier interests driving US foreign policy have long ago conspired to use Al Qaeda and other sectarian extremist forces to create a Pan-Arabian mercenary force with which to fight their enemies. Veteran journalist Seymour Hersh warned against this in 2007 in a prophetic 9-page report.
Through documented evidence over the course of the past four years, Hersh exposed this criminal conspiracy against world peace and all of humanity. Political analysist Tony Cartalucci discussed this in his article The “Cataclysmic Conflict” Yet to Come – And What We Can Do To Stop It, published on March 6, 2015 by the Activist Post.
“The war special interests in the United States along with its co-conspirators plan to wage across the planet encompasses not only the Middle East and North Africa, but also Russia, China, and beyond. It threatens the lives, peace, and prosperity of all on Earth. If it is not exposed, and the special interests driving it not undermined, uprooted, and purged from humanity, none will escape the dark days that inevitably lie ahead.”
Cartalucci holds that this is not "Obama's" war, nor a "Republican" or "Neo-Con" war. In his view this is a war for global hegemony waged by the corporations, banks and institutions on Wall Street and in Washington which transcend elections and own parties on all sides and in all corners of the current, prevailing political paradigm. “Appealing to a political party controlled by these interests is the very definition of futile.”
According to Cartalucci, it is not merely "Walmart," "Pepsi," or "Exxon" themselves as corporations, but rather the concentration of power, wealth, and influence these corporations collectively represent. Often it is the same board members and financial interests holding stakes in each corporation. It is this handful of shareholders who, in turn, fund think tanks behind policy papers engineering wars of aggression, including the current proxy war being waged through "ISIS" and "Al Qaeda."
Thus, While NATO is clearly threatening Russia's borders in Ukraine; it is also creating a united front of sectarian extremists who will push through Russia's southern region. This is essentially Adolf Hitler's invasion of Russia, in slow motion, using the methods of 4th generation warfare, such as Operation Barbarossa and the Afrika Korps, to invade the USSR in 1941-1942.
This plan will not end in the Middle East. If successful in establishing hegemony there, the chaos will spread to all corners of the globe: first to southern Russia and western China, then beyond. “The question of whether or not one will eventually be affected by this conflict is not a matter of if, but a matter of when,” Cartalucci predicts.
According to Cartalucci, some initiatives are emerging such as promoters of local institutions which commit their knowledge and resources in joint projects that would allow local communities to develop and use technology to face the unwarranted power and abuses of the huge corporate-financier monopolies.
“Hackerspaces” are local institutions which pool resources and knowledge together, allowing local communities to develop and employ technology. They aim at decentralizing the big-retail, big-telecom, big-pharma, and big-auto by targeting their specific monopolies.
The objective is to decentralize these vast monopolies through the creation and proliferation of local alternatives which will systematically undermine their capacity to wield the unwarranted power and influence they currently enjoy.
According to Cartalucci, there are already people working on this decentralizing effort around the world and simply need more consumers ready to become producers and to to tackle all monopolies in a similar manner.
Decentralizing these vast monopolies through the creation and proliferation of local alternatives will systematically undermine their capacity to wield the unwarranted power and influence they currently enjoy.
They believe that alternative media has already proven the power of people turning from consumers and into producers, and the redistribution and balance of power and influence it creates. Imagine tackling all monopolies in a similar manner.
Obviously, Cartalucci could be discovering a new phase of the contradictions within the ultra-warmongering imperialism generated by capitalism and its progenitors.
March 12, 2015.
A CubaNews translation. Edited by Walter Lippmann.
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